Novinox ACE110, una alternativa al cromato de Estroncio para coil coatings

Since the implementation of REACh regulation to reduce hazardous and toxic chemicals, SNCZ R&D team is dedicated to develop high performance and ecofriendly anticorrosive pigments for paint and coating industry.

Our range of Polyphosphates and Ion exchanged Silicas pigments have successfully replaced Strontium Chromate in Coil Coating anticorrosion primers. Nevertheless, several pigments alkaline pH value can be a drawback for acidic catalyzed paint formulation.

Thanks to its neutral pH, our new generation of modified Silica, Novinox ACE110, has shown high-performance in Polyester Melamine system and with lower dosage of epoxy adduct.

Strontium Chromate L203E

Novinox ACE110

1100H in Salt Spray – HDG Substrate – Polyester Melamine Primer (7µm DFT) with 7% anticorrosive pigment    

Without any safety labelling, it offers high corrosion protection level.

Contact us  for more information and for free sample !

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